Physicians (either a pediatricians or orthopaedics) make a true medical diagnosis of scoliosis using a radiological determination, called a Cobb angle, drawn on the Xray. The skeleton seen from the side shows one or more spinal curves, making an ‘S’ curve. From the back, a normal skeleton should not have much of a lateral deviation. The Cobb angle measures the apices of the most lateral curves seen from the back, and must be greater than 30 degrees to be determined clinically significant. This altered biomechanical chain of bones and muscles often is accompanied by general rib, low-back and neck pain or spasms.

One major complication is that Scoliosis is a 3-dimensional skeletal deviation, which causes a corkscrewing of the vertebrae, a spiraling spine/hip/shoulder girdle, and often a weighty head and heavy legs. As the body adjustes and compensates not only to camouflage the original defect, but also to find its new center of gravity and balance, the rotational forces reinforce the problem. Obviously, adolescent scoliosis is more plastic, and intervention here may possibly change a whole life of a skeleton. Nevertheless mature skeletons can still be plastic and capable of change.

Pilates can be a safe, and ultimately very effective modality for most individuals with scoliosis who seek to manage the condition. There isn't however a quick fix. An experienced Pilates instructor can help those seeking to 'control' their spine through movement and exercise by teaching core control and movement from the center. However, if Pilates is not taught correctly, neither is adjusted to the needs of the individual, problems can occur. I highly recommend the initiation (and probably the continuation too) of the practice guided by an experienced, certified teacher.


While it’s true scoliosis may not have a cure, one can certainly manage it. The approach must definetly be one that 'honors' the existing spinal deviation, performing the exercises “within the frame of the body” and helping someone to find and re-calibrate a closer postural alignment.

My experience teaching Pilates to people with scoliosis has been fuelled by the ever present need to deal with my own scoliosis, my training in Pilates and other movement modalities, my knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology as gained studying for the BSc in Remedial Massage and Neuromuscular Techiniques at the University of Westminster, and finally my experience as a patient at the Katharina Schroth Klinik in Germany. I combine Manual Therapy, Pilates concepts, Breathing techniques from the Schroth Method, and gentle Medical Qigong exercises to help people find relief from tension and pain, strengthen their weak sides, achieve better alignment, and find functional ease in their every day life.

Contact me for further information and/or to book your free assessment.




A web site about living in a body, fitness education, movement and transformation through Pilates, Nia, and Qigong, as well as Scoliosis treatment and Bodywork practices.

Corrective Exercise & Manual Therapy for SCOLIOSIS

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